Articles on: FAQ's

How do I chat with my teammates?

You can chat with your teammates either individually or as part of a group.

Individual Chat:

Tap the Team heading to open any existing individual chats.
Tap the + beside the Team heading.
Select the name of the person you want to chat with from the list of teammates in your team.
Type your message and tap the paper airplane icon to send.
This chat will now appear under the Team heading and you can add to this chat at any time.

Group Chat:

Tap the Group Chats heading to open any existing group chats.
Tap the + beside Group Chats.
From the list of teammates in your workspace, select which ones are to be part of this Group.
Click Next.
Pick a name for your Group chat.
Click Create.
This chat will now appear under the Group Chats heading and you can add to this chat at any time.

Updated on: 12/03/2024

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